FreeBSD 12 Vendor Summit Have/Need/Want.
See also DevSummit/201706/HaveNeedWant12 for the FreeBSD 12 Have/Need/Want produced at the BSDCan DevSummit, and VendorDevSummit/201611/HaveNeedWant for the list produced from the November Vendor/DevSummit.
- Ports tree overlay (bapt)
- Appliance toolkit/code (bapt, brd, many)
- Improve install docs
GitHub pull requests brought into mainline
- Fix git history
- Stable userland API for integration/automating OS tasks
- Consolidate to single firewall package (FCR)
- Cloud provisioning support - base system
- Vendor relations for (advanced access to) security issues
- Consolidated tools (bugs/wiki/repo etc)
- Common vendor use case docs
- Applianace toolkits (docs)
- Track upstream docs