Lessons Learnt from the April 2012 lang/lua disaster

/!\ This document is a loose collection of thoughts that need to be ordered, and needs some more markup (for code).

Problem (Symptom)

lang/lua 5.1.4 and 5.1.5 went through several non-functional PORTREVISIONS because we hadn't gotten the CFLAGS handling right. Each time we'd thought we'd fixed the port, we received new PRs complaining about missing features, broken builds, and other mishaps.

The underlying cause

Random thoughts to evolve to lessons learnt, and contributions to the porter's handbook and possibly Mk/bsd.port.mk


If you were involved in reporting and/or solving the bug, have observed related bugs, you are pav@, crees@, ohauer@, Niclas Zeising, mezz@, feel free to add to this section, and sign your contributions like this -> -- MatthiasAndree

MatthiasAndree/LuaLessonsLearnt (last edited 2012-04-13T18:15:19+0000 by MatthiasAndree)