This is a list of ports tasks, resources and ideas.
Be sure to check the PR database to see if something has already been done. To correlate PRs with existing ports check here.
Table of Contents
Ports Tasks
New ports
See WantedPorts (new desired ports)
Update ports
See also:
../TrackingUpstreamUpdates (info on checking for outdated ports)
Fix ports
See also:
Ports marked BROKEN (freshports and portsmon), mainly unmaintained ones
Clean up ports
../LongtermTargets (statistics about ports which need clean up)
Some ports with CONFLICTS could be patched to rename conflicting files
Obsolete (deprecated and expired) ports to be removed/fixed (see freshports)
Ports documentation
Additions to the current ports documentation.
PortersHandbook (PavLucistnik ideas for PH)
In addition, IMHO the whole ports documentation could be put in a single document. Currently some information is contained in the Handbook (usage for users; missing update information). Porter's Handbook (for port developers; some issues described in above links) and Committer's Guide (sections about ports tree integration in CVS, repocopies, etc). A single document could have the following sections (not necessarily ordered, and some could be appendices):
- Using the Ports Collection
Ports (adding, removing, searching, configuring - including knobs, OPTIONS and bsd.*.mk user variables, etc)
- Packages (using from CDs, FTP, etc)
- Updating the tree (CVSup, anoncvs, portsnap, snapshot tarballs, downgrading)
- Updating the installed packages (portupgrade, portmaster, ports/UPDATING, etc)
- Resources (web related pages: freshports, FreeBSD ports page, reporting errors, etc)
Developing ports (Porter's Handbook; all usable bsd.*.mk variables, recommended practices for various cases, useful targets and scripts for developing, etc)
Ports system internals (portbuild, package builds, package database format, how DESTDIR works, scripts in Tools, all targets, etc), or maybe in a manpage
- Submitter's guide (send-pr links, best practices, required information, etc)
- Committer's guide (Committer's guide relevant part; how ports are structured into CVS, ports practices, etc)
Ports system infrastructure
Improvements to the current ports system and/or layout
pkg, the "next-generation" package management paradigm by BaptisteDaroussin and others
PortsUsingSQLite (using SQLite for the package database)
../Options (OPTIONS framework changes)
mkreadmes, a new port (Mar 2012) written in C by ConradSabatier, which dramatically speeds up building the README.html files
Compiler-related issues
PortsAndClang (overall status of the clang/ports effort, with references to various -exp runs)
Per port pages
Specific port pages, also see entries under Ports.
portupgrade (description, usage and desired features)
Adopting ports
At any given time, approximately 20 - 25% of ALL ports are unmaintained. Orphaned ports need love too! If you use it, consider adopting it. To find all ports that you have installed that are up for grabs, simply run pkg query -e %o.
Now that you know what is available, here are some links to guide you through the process., kris' announcement soliciting volunteers, Contributing to the ports collection, Porter's Handbook, provides current port version, portsmon cluster, has information regarding errors and open PRs against the port, Pav's Guide to PR Sexiness
Stale Pages
(MarkLinimon note: these are pages that have not been updated in some time.)
AlejandroPulver's ../ToDo (recompilation of all ports system enhancements)
AndrewPantyukhin/Ports (wanted and in progress ports)
AndrewPantyukhin/Ports/Stats (some random statistics)
Metalink (supporting metalinks, P2P, etc)
portmgr (agenda/tasks of the ports management team)
ErwinLansing/Ports_BOF (topics for ports related discussions in last conference)
Ports Resources, Status, and Monitoring
Porting resources
Notes and clues about different porting scenarios.
Ports (various general and per-port notes)
../Configure (various configure hacks and workarounds)
../PortabilityGuidelines (notes about porting Linux applications)
MaintainerNotes (permission and preferences of maintainers about commits to their ports)
Status and monitoring
Statistics, reports and status of ports.
portsmon (specialized status reports, including PRs and correlation)