Be bold when updating pages.—Back ups from older versions of each page are created automatically.


[DIFF] 19:38 Info chengcui [1-17] #01 Upload of attachment 'after_patch_singlep ath_cubic_def_throug hput_chart.png'.
#02 Upload of attachment 'after_patch_singlep ath_cubic_def_cwnd_c hart.png'.
#04 Upload of attachment 'before_patch_single path_cubic_def_throu ghput_chart.png'.
#05 Upload of attachment 'before_patch_single path_cubic_def_cwnd_ chart.png'.
#07 Upload of attachment 'linux_cwnd_chart100 s.png'.
#09 Upload of attachment 'after_patch_singlep ath_cubic_rack_cwnd_ chart100s.png'.
#10 Upload of attachment 'before_patch_single path_cubic_rack_cwnd _chart100s.png'.
#12 Upload of attachment 'after_patch_singlep ath_cubic_def_cwnd_c hart100.png'.
#13 Upload of attachment 'before_patch_single path_cubic_def_cwnd_ chart100.png'.
#16 Upload of attachment 'single-path_topolog y.png'.
[DIFF] 19:23 Info KyleEvans
[DIFF] 19:01 Info JosephMingrone [1]
ChristosMargiolis [2]
#01 Rename the 'Duration' field to 'Project Size' to align with GSoC's terminology and to avoid confusion about the 'Project Length' (8-22 weeks)
#02 Make project medium size.
[DIFF] 01:24 Info GrahamPerrin [1-2] #01 Anchor 1314 was intended to be memorable, but does not work. Instead: <<Anchor(thirteen)>> .
#02 More flesh on the bones of 13 to 14. I'm uncertain about library backups – in my test, the /usr/local/lib/compa t/pkg directory was empty after installation.
[DIFF] 15:27 Info MichaelTuexen
[DIFF] 14:54 Info MichaelTuexen
[DIFF] 14:53 Info MichaelTuexen
[DIFF] 09:19 Info MarkLinimon [1-2] #01 cosmetic change for consistency.
#02 add TrailBase, requested by m in Bugzilla 285533
[DIFF] 00:45 Info ChristosMargiolis
[DIFF] 20:49 Info PiotrSmyrak Updated URL to the moved FAQ page
[DIFF] 05:22 Info LiWenHsu
[DIFF] 21:19 Info MaxBrazhnikov [1-2] #01 remove checked and fixed KF6 ports
#02 remove checked and fixed KF6 ports
[DIFF] 17:12 Info MarkLinimon [1-3] #01 add some recent ones
#03 remove staleness.
[DIFF] 17:02 Info MarkLinimon [1-2] #02 update.
[DIFF] 16:12 Info AdrianChadd
[DIFF] 14:00 Info chengcui
[DIFF] 13:22 Info QuentinThebault Creation
[DIFF] 10:58 Info MarkLinimon [1-2] #01 add Isaac Freund.
#02 add QuentinThebault.
[DIFF] 03:05 Info GasolWu Mac mini 2010 is working on 14.2-RELEASE
[DIFF] 15:49 Info ChrisMoerz add recording link
[DIFF] 10:48 Info TomJones
[DIFF] 14:17 Info chengcui [1-14] #03 Upload of attachment 'linux_cubic_newreno g'.
#04 Upload of attachment 'linux_cubic_newreno _cwnd_chart.png'.
#06 Upload of attachment 'fbsd_rack_cubic_new reno_throughput_char t.png'.
#07 Upload of attachment 'fbsd_rack_cubic_new reno_cwnd_chart.png' .
#08 Upload of attachment 'fbsd_def_cubic_newr eno_throughput_chart .png'.
#09 Upload of attachment 'fbsd_def_cubic_newr eno_cwnd_chart.png'.
#10 Attachment 'fbsd_def_cubic_newr eno_throughput_chart .png' deleted.
#11 Attachment 'fbsd_def_cubic_newr eno_cwnd_chart.png' deleted.
#12 Upload of attachment 'single-path_topolog y.png'.
#13 Attachment 'single-path_topolog y.png' deleted.
[DIFF] 12:52 Info LiWenHsu [1-4] #01 sync more.
#02 +w for dbaio
#03 sync a little bit
#04 Add dvl per dbaio
[DIFF] 03:34 Info LiWenHsu [1-2] #01 Add aokblast
#02 add myself


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