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[DIFF] 04:24 Info MarkLinimon [1-9] #09 add some URLs
[DIFF] 10:12 Info PaulFloyd My repo is no longer being updated now that the code has been pushed upstream.
[DIFF] 20:40 Info PatriziaKaye
[DIFF] 13:16 Info MateuszPiotrowski remove broken link
[DIFF] 04:39 Info CyrusRahman [1-15] #02 Updated to support 13.3-RELEASE
#03 Attachment 'patch-linuxkpi_gplv 2_include_linux_fb.h ' deleted.
#04 Attachment 'patch-drivers_gpu_d rm_linux__fb.c' deleted.
#05 Attachment 'patch-drivers_gpu_d rm_drm__fb__helper.c ' deleted.
#06 Attachment 'multifix.diff' deleted.
#07 Incremental update
#08 Upload of attachment 'vt_rotate-13.3-RELE ASE.diff'.
#09 Upload of attachment 'usb_hid_setprotocol -13.3-RELEASE.diff'.
#10 Upload of attachment 'thermal_management- 13.3-RELEASE.diff'.
#11 Upload of attachment 'ntp-13.3-RELEASE.di ff'.
#12 Upload of attachment 'multifix-13.3-RELEA SE.diff'.
#13 Upload of attachment 'lua_commentparse-13 .3-RELEASE.diff'.
#14 Upload of attachment 'loader_rotate-13.3- RELEASE.diff'.
#15 Upload of attachment 'files_drm_510_kmod. shar'.
[DIFF] 03:41 Info CyrusRahman [1-22] #03 Attachment 'files.shar' deleted.
#04 Upload of attachment 'files_drm_510_kmod. shar'.
#06 Fix count of port patch files
#07 Update patches to support 13.3-RELEASE
#08 Incremental update
#09 Upload of attachment 'ntp-13.3-RELEASE.di ff'.
#10 Upload of attachment 'lua_commentparse-13 .3-RELEASE.diff'.
#11 Upload of attachment 'usb_hid_setprotocol -13.3-RELEASE.diff'.
#12 Attachment 'loader-rotate.diff' deleted.
#13 Upload of attachment 'loader_rotate-13.3- RELEASE.diff'.
#14 Attachment 'vt-rotate.diff' deleted.
#15 Upload of attachment 'vt_rotate-13.3-RELE ASE.diff'.
#16 Attachment 'thermal_management. diff' deleted.
#17 Upload of attachment 'thermal_management- 13.3-RELEASE.diff'.
#18 Incremental update
#19 Upload of attachment 'files.shar'.
#20 Attachment 'files.shar' deleted.
#21 Attachment 'multifix.diff' deleted.
#22 Upload of attachment 'multifix-13.3-RELEA SE.diff'.
[DIFF] 21:55 Info WarnerLosh
[DIFF] 19:04 Info MarkJohnston modernize a bit
[DIFF] 21:21 Info ColinPercival


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