The Winter 2016 FreeBSD Bugzilla Cleanup


The Winter 2016 FreeBSD Bugzilla Cleanup is a recommended process of cleaning up open (Status != Closed) issues in an automated or semi-automated way conforming to the following criteria:

1. Update requests, with or without attached patches, for ports that have meanwhile updated. Recommended action: Close -> FIXED with a quote of revision where it was fixed.

2. Build failure reports, for ports that Portsmon shows are buildable since. Recommended action: Close -> Unable to reproduce

3. Issues about ports that have been deleted from the tree. Recommended action: Close -> Overcome by Events

VladimirKrstulja/Bugzilla/Cleanup2016 (last edited 2016-10-17T21:25:54+0000 by VladimirKrstulja)