What kde@ did every quarter

This page should summarize the work done by the KDE on FreeBSD team by quarter to help prepare our bit for FreeBSD's Quarterly Status Report, which are usually prepared by dbn@ or rakuco@.

Each section doesn't need to be overly verbose, the idea is to make it easy to remember which major ports got updated, as well as other things worth mentioning in the report.

2014Q3 (July - September)

Alonso Schaich, longtime area51 contributor, got a ports commit bit. Welcome!

Major port updates:

Work on porting KDE Frameworks 5 and Plasma Frameworks has started.

2014Q4 (October - December)

Major port updates:

Tobias Berner has contributed patches to update QtCreator to 3.3.0 as well as KDE Frameworks 5 ports which are under review for inclusion in our experimental area51 repository.

2015Q1 (January - March)

Major port updates:

Tobias C. Berner became an area51 committer.

2015Q2 (April - June)

Major port updates:

2015Q3 (July - September)

Major updates:

2015Q4 (October - December)

Major updates:

Thanks to Tobias Berner and madpilot@ for the PyQt work.

2016Q1 (January - March)

Major updates:

Other changes:

2016Q2 (April - June)

Major updates:

2016Q3 (July - September)

Major updates:

Other changes:

2016Q4 (October - Decembre)

2017Q1 (January - March)

2017Q2 (April - June)

2017Q3 (July - September)

KDE/StatusReportSummary (last edited 2018-04-01T01:37:02+0000 by MarkLinimon)