Graphics stack: ports development workflow
Clone the repository and setup remote repositories
Clone the Ports development repository:
git clone
If you have write access to this repository, change the push URL:
git remote set-url --push origin
Add the official Ports tree mirror as a second remote repository, called upstream:
git remote add upstream
The master branch (the default one) matches the official Potree tree Subversion repository. This branch must stay untouched: never commit anything on this one!
Keep the "master" branch up-to-date
The upstream repository is used to fetch new changes made to the Ports tree Subversion repository. Your local master branch is a copy of this mirror, not a "symlink". You need to keep it up-to-date yourself. To do this:
Make sure you sit on the "master" branch:
git checkout master
Fetch changes from the upstream repository (ie. the official Git mirror):
git fetch -p upstream
Update your local copy:
git merge --ff-only upstream/master
Optionaly, push this up-to-date copy to the origin repository (xorg-dev):
git push
Example: work on xorg-server 1.14
Work with a topic branch
To ease the work on parallel non-related tasks, it's better to use topic branches, instead of a single branch receiving everything, like we did in the old xorg-dev Subversion repository. Here, we take an update to the xorg-server as an example.
Create the topic branch. This will create a branch called xorg-server-1.14, based on your local master branch. It's a good thing to update this master branch before, to permit you to work on a fresh up-to-date Ports tree.
git checkout -b xorg-server-1.14 master
At this point, your local working copy is the xorg-server-1.14 branch, not the master branch. You can make whatever modifications you need to x11-servers/xorg-server to update it to 1.14.
Commit your changes:
git add x11-servers/xorg-server git commit
- Do this as often as you need/want
When your work is ready to be shared, push it to the public development repository:
git push -u origin xorg-server-1.14:xorg-server-1.14
The -u flag is here to save you some typing the next time you push. That's why you can make new changes, commit them and push your work again:
git push
Get changes from other developers
If other people are working on the same branch with you, you'll have to fetch their changes:
git pull -r
You can continue to work and commit, then push.
Generate the final patch
When xorg-server 1.14 is stable and ready to hit the official Ports tree, you must generate the final patch:
Update your master branch as shown above
Go back to your topic branch:
git checkout xorg-server-1.14
Merge the master branch:
git merge master
Generate the patch:
git diff master...xorg-server-1.14 > xorg-server-1.14.patch