In-flight issues for FreeBSD 13.5-RELEASE

Issues being tracked leading up to FreeBSD 13.5-RELEASE. Please email re@ **as soon as you become aware of an issue**.

Issue identified

Issues start here.

Issue assigned

A developer is responsible for making sure this is fixed in time for the release.

Issue diagnosed

A developer is responsible for the issue and we think we know what is wrong.

Patch being tested

A developer has a possible fix.

Patched in HEAD

A patch has gone into HEAD.

Patched in STABLE

A patch has gone into the stable branch.

Merge approved

The release engineering team has approved merging the patch to the release branch.

Patched in release branch

A patch has gone into the release branch (or stable before the release branch is created).

Before BETA1:

Before BETA2:

Won't fix

The issue won't be fixed in the release (it's too late and not critical enough to delay the release).


Releng/13.5ISSUES (last edited 2025-02-11T05:30:23+0000 by ColinPercival)