Release Testing

This page contains notes from gjb@ on what testing is done during a release cycle. Once complete, this page will be integrated in to the FreeBSD Releng article in the Handbook.

Testing Environment

For testing BETA, RC, and RELEASE builds, I use a combination of real hardware, VirtualBox, and QEMU. There is no real reason I use VirtualBox over bhyve or other hypervisors other than I find it easier to manipulate virtual machines.

ISO Image Testing


What to test



That it boots.

Since the installer uses FTP to fetch the distribution sets which have not yet propagated to the mirrors, there is not much more to check here.


It boots, burns to a CD-ROM without problems, and installs without issues.



Install packages provided on-disc.


[1] I test the installer by doing a few variations of options. Of note:

  # pkg install -y kyua
  # cd /usr/tests   # Note: /usr/tests is not built or installed by default on 10.x and earlier
  # script /var/log/kyua.log kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile
  # kyua report-html --output ~/public_html/tests

[2] Generally, I make sure dvd1.iso boots, but re-use the disc1.iso virtual machine for testing package installation. Since bsdconfig(8) has not supported installing packages from dvd1.iso, packages are installed as:

  # mkdir -p /dist
  # mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /dist
  # setenv REPOS_DIR /dist/packages/repos
  # pkg bootstrap
  # pkg update
  # pkg install xorg xorg-server gnome3
  # pkg del -ay
  # pkg install xorg xorg-server kde

After ensuring the desktop environments start properly, install the emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions{,nox11} package from the upstream pkg(8) mirrors and enable the rc(8) scripts in rc.conf(5):

  # unsetenv REPOS_DIR
  # pkg update
  # pkg install emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions-nox11
  # echo 'vboxservice_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  # echo 'vboxguest_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

Virtual Machine Testing

ARM SoC Testing

Releng/ReleaseTesting (last edited 2017-08-22T16:54:25+0000 by GlenBarber)