Fixup freebsd-update patch

Sometimes a file which should not be modified may end up with the build. (These are bugs that needs to be fixed).

Here is how Colin fixed for 7.4-RELEASE:

> I've fixed these.  Notes:
> take hash value from
>   work/7.4-RELEASE/i386/INDEX-ALL
> linker.hints line, and paste it into
>   work/7.4-RELEASE/i386/newworld-index
> replacing the current hash
> run
> to see new list of modified files:
> comm -23 work/7.4-RELEASE/i386/ work/7.4-RELEASE/i386/INDEX-NEW

SecTeam/Procedures/FreeBSDUpdate/Fixup-patches (last edited 2015-05-13T22:18:13+0000 by XinLi)