It was the first week, of course a lot of new things appeared. Uffa, almost late the firt manual programatical connection establishment and finalization was done.
- Write a durty functional prototype which does a three-way handshake.
- Elicit which tcp structures(tcb, in/out/time control) was used to accomplish.
- Make a summary, submit the sources, feedback, control tasks
- All above
- I spent a lot of time because I misunderstood tcpdump's dump, then as a result I was sending an acknowledgment without sequence number. In this case FreeBSD always answer with an Reset, aborting the connection.
Only when I finished completely the code, that I obtained the complete understanding of how it works.
- I saw, only when we look at the code, particularly of a familiarly language we really got the true knowlegment.
Next Week
- Re-write the previous prototype, using the controlling structures of TCP.
- Make a summary, submit the sources, feedback, control tasks.
- [Tentatively] implement some set of tcp options negotiation scripts.
- The latest pcs version don't work in my environment, yet! :|
Base Knowledgment
sequence and ack_number header fields must always be filled. (except in the first packet of an active open, that the ack_number is zero)
Andre Oppermann cleared sequence and a sort of others issues. Thank you