BSD Conferences
Because sometimes IRC isn't enough! If you are looking to organize a conference, the DevSummitHowTo page has some good guidelines, and be sure to produce videos of the presentations and add the conference to this page. Upcoming events are also tracked on the FreeBSD event page.
Regular Conferences
DevSummit - Developer-oriented summit usually held immediately before or after BSD-oriented conferences. Generally invite-only.
AsiaBSDCon - Yearly BSD conference held at the Tokyo University of Science
BSDCan - Yearly BSD conference held at the University of Ottawa.
EuroBSDcon - Yearly BSD conference held in Europe.
Past Conferences
vBSDcon - BSD conference held in the Washington, DC-area.
Kyivbsd - BSD conference held in Kyiv, Ukraine at the Information & Computer Centre of the Taras Shevchenko University.
meetBSD California - BSD conference held on even years in California (2014: San Jose; 2012: Sunnyvale; 2008, 2010: Mountain View).
NYCBSDCon - BSD conference held on odd years in New York, New York at Columbia University.
meetBSD - Polish BSD event, with previous conferences having been held at Kraków, Poland and Warsaw, Poland.
vBSDCon - Biyearly BSD conference held at the Hyatt in Dulles, Virginia. Flyer (pdf)
ruBSD 2013 - Russian FreeBSD/BSD conference held at the Yandex office in Moscow.
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