Notes in the VM image I'm creating:
- i386, 9.0-RC2
- 40 GB HD
- Two network cards (#1 is NAT, #2 is host-only)
- Basic 9.0-RC2 install
- Hostname: "gcin"
- Timezone set to UTC
- root password "gcin"
- Both network interfaces set to DHCP
- vesa_load="YES" and loader_logo="orb" in /boot/loader.conf
- sshd, moused, powerd enabled in rc.conf, sendmail_enable="NONE"
- allscreens_modes="MODE_276" in /etc/rc.conf
- In ~root/.cshrc (make things a little more user-friendly)
set prompt="%B%n@hostname -s%b:%/ %h% "
- set autolist=ambiguous
- Packages installed:
- bash
- xorg
- subversion
- virtualbox-ose-additions
- docproj
- gnome2
- vim
- emacs
- nano
- open-vm-tools???
- xorg configured
- hald, dbus, virtualbox-additions enabled in rc.conf
- User created: gcin (password gcin)
- FreeBSD source checked out as user gcin:
- mkdir -p gcin2011/stable/9
- svn co svn:// gcin2011/head
- svn co svn:// gcin2011/stable/9
svn co doc
- chown gcin /usr/src /usr/obj
- "UseDNS no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- /etc/motd updated
- edit /etc/rc to "cat /etc/motd"
- ~gcin/.xinitrc set up to start GNOME
- Clear disk to allow VM to compress better (dd if=/dev/zero of=/file; rm /file)