/!\ Would someone please come up with a better name.

FreeBSD on small systems (standalone boxes)

This page attempts to gather some information about devices that FreeBSD runs on that are neither traditional 'desktops' nor traditional 'servers'.

The best known of this class of devices is the Raspberry Pi.

However, there is a long history of standalone boards in the computer business. Most of them have been known by the vague phrase embedded devices.


Of special interest to this page is the ARM architecture and the MIPS architecture. In particular, we focus on boards/boxes that are commercially available at hobbyist-friendly prices.

ARM boxes

MIPS boxes

Build Technologies

Several different methods exist for building images suitable loading into Flash memory.

TODO: the author is not familiar with any of them. Could someone please help elaborate?


MarkLinimon/WorkAreaSmallSystems (last edited 2022-06-09T01:49:19+0000 by KubilayKocak)