Using your FreeBSD email alias with Gmail

  1. Of course you should start with obtaining your FreeBSD alias from the FreeBSD admins.
  2. Turn on the 2-step authentication at

  3. Go to

  4. Log in with your Gmail account.
  5. In Select app choose Other (Customised name) and in Select device choose Other (Customised name).

  6. Click GENERATE.

  7. Call it FreeBSD or something.

  8. Copy your new app password to the clipboard.
  9. Go to and open Settings.

  10. Go to Accounts and Import, then in the Send mail as: section click Add another email address that you own. A window titled Gmail - Add another email address that you own should pop up.

  11. Enter your name and your FreeBSD email alias like

  12. Make sure that Treat as an alias. is checked. Proceed.

  13. Now fill in the information as follows:
    • SMTP Server:

    • Port: 587

    • Username:

    • Password: The one time password you've generated a couple of steps earlier that should be in your clipboard now.

    • Check Secured connection using TLS (recommended)

    Click Add Account.

  14. You should receive an email with a confirmation that you want to allow Gmail to use your FreeBSD alias. The email should contain both a special code or a link to click. The easiest way is to just click the provided link so that your decision is approved.
  15. Cheers! You should be able to send emails using your @FreeBSD address with Gmail.

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MateuszPiotrowski/UsingFreebsdEmailAliasWithGmail (last edited 2024-08-13T10:18:41+0000 by MateuszPiotrowski)