In the lead-up to SummerOfCode, it is recommended that you contact potential mentors about your project idea. Many of the projects on the SummerOfCodeIdeas page have a mentor listed. If they are listed in the form "gavin@" then add "" to the end to give an email address. If there's no mentor listed and you do not know who would make a good potential mentor, please either email <freebsd-hackers AT FreeBSD DOT org> or ask in our IRC channel, #freebsd-soc on Libera.Chat. As a last resort you can also email <soc-admins AT FreeBSD DOT org>.

Once SummerOfCode commences, your first point of call is your mentor(s). Should your mentor(s) become unresponsive or you wish to discuss something with the SummerOfCode administrators that you feel you cannot discuss with your mentor(s), contact <soc-admins AT FreeBSD DOT org>.

SummerOfCodeContacts (last edited 2022-03-13T00:04:03+0000 by JosephMingrone)