Notes 03 Feb 2016
Hiren has put up a change for congestion window in bytes. Needs review.
Fork of the fast path stack?
Review of LRO depth change in D4825. Drew has taken a look at this and is awaiting comments.
Projects branch for 10 for alternate stacks and other HEAD based work.
Phabricator will stop spamming the transport list.
Close the dead reviews against the transport list. MattM will close his duplicate review.
Delayed ACKs to be replaced by a specific delayed asked protocol? In a data center RTT is in usecs and RTO needs to be 500usecs or so. MattM says that he says he sends packets in pairs. Can we lower the delayed ask default from 100ms to 10ms? Lawrence says you defeat DelAck by sending paired packets. This is part of D4294.
We need to run these changes through NS. Lawrence does do this but we don't do this generally.