This is just an informal comparison of FreeBSD release 4.x (such as release 4.10), and FreeBSD release 5.3. It was written mostly for people who are already familiar with FreeBSD 4.x, and are wondering what there might be in release 5.3 (and later) that they might find interesting.

Brief background of FreeBSD

FreeBSD 4.x vs 5.x - Background

FreeBSD 4 vs 5.3 - Hardware Architectures

FreeBSD 4 vs 5.3 - Kernel Level

FreeBSD 4 vs 5.3 - Filesystems

FreeBSD 4 vs 5.3 - Networking

      # ifconfig -a
      bge0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
             inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
             inet6 fe80::2e0:81ff:fe27:e0a9%bge0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
             ether 00:e0:81:27:e0:a9
             media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
             status: active

      # ifconfig bge0 name office

      # ifconfig -a
      office: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
             inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
             inet6 fe80::2e0:81ff:fe27:e0a9%office prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
             ether 00:e0:81:27:e0:a9
             media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
             status: active

FreeBSD 4 vs 5.3 - Applications in Base System

FreeBSD 4 vs 5.3 - Misc

Upcoming FreeBSD 6.0


This Wiki page is just an informal outline that I (GaranceDrosehn) had written up for a few public presentations I had done. It is not meant to be an exhaustive comparison of release 4.10 (or later) to release 5.3 (and later). It might not even be completely accurate. In some sense, it is just the changes which "effected me personally". Other developers are welcome up to update this page, or to contact me directly if there is anything I have grossly mis-represented.

I am also pretty sure that there are more changes than this in the big jump to release 5.3. This is only meant to be the most noticeable highlights. Again, other developers are welcome to add more to this.

The initial version of this Wiki web page was written on February 14th, 2005. However, most of it comes from outlines that GaranceDrosehn wrote in November and December 2004, and thus it might be a bit out-of-date.


CompareRelease4to5 (last edited 2015-11-15T05:32:45+0000 by MarkLinimon)