Bugzilla Search Ideas
The Advanced Search page is mysterious and underdocumented. Most committers do not even know it exists. Perhaps we should create a front-end for it.
Specific Searches To Create
- most committers should have a "patch included" search checkbox, also on by default. This would save all that clicking in the Advanced Search page -- including the fact that you have to select "is equal to" from the dropdown and enter the value of "1". Obscure much???
Here is a proposed implementation of adding that checkbox to the "Simple Search" page. Note that having this checkbox has a mutex with being able to use the "Custom Search" fields, due to magical hacking.
- most committers should have a "within the last N months" search checkbox and it should be on by default. 6, 12, I don't care. But nything more than 12 is overwhelming.
- perhaps a checkbox of "assigned to no one".
- (fancier) perhaps near two dropdowns of "assigned to mailing list" and "assigned to individual"?. The mailing lists would have to be statically defined, and "individual" as "@FreeBSD.org but not mailing list". This kind of sounds like an add-on database, eh?
the following initial proposals perhaps will be subsumed by the proposed refactoring of Keywords:
one search that is just for Keywords -- with a dropdown list. Bugzilla/Keywords should not have to be a separate (and confusing) page in the Wiki.
the Keywords encompass four different types of concepts. These should be disambiguated somehow.
most committers are probably only interested in Bugzilla/Keywords#Component_Related and Bugzilla/Keywords#Hardware_Related.
Text searches are so greyyyyyyy.
compare the (abandoned prototypes) pie chart 1 and pie chart 2 for kernel PRs.
- perhaps these would be better (or alternatively?) be links from a block diagram. Compare:
McKusick 1996. Subject to copyright.
- TODO 20210709 I have scratchpad for this but not yet permission to unleash it on the world; email me for details
Mark's Slides From 2008
For comparison: 2008 search ideas
- How much area do the "specific mailing lists" cover?
- How much area do the Keywords cover?
See Also