List of pages with stale content. Please update them!

Add this category (CategoryStale) to pages that are, or that have content that is stale or out-of-date.

To add a page to this category, add CategoryStale to the last line of the stale page.

List of pages in this category:

  1. AdrianChadd/TodoList
  2. AlejandroPulver
  3. AlexeyMikhailov/DistributedAuditDaemon
  4. AllanJude/BhyveValidationTool
  5. AndrewFileSystem/HowTo
  6. AssigningPRs
  7. AutoLoad
  8. BSDInstall
  9. BSDInstaller2009
  10. BaptisteDaroussin/Overlinking
  11. BasicVfsConcepts
  12. BenchmarkMatrix
  13. BsnmpTools
  14. BugBusting/Resources
  15. BugBusting/TipsAndTricks
  16. Bugzilla/LowHangingFruit
  17. BuildSystems
  18. ContribSoftware
  19. DNSBase
  20. DavidChisnall/KDbus
  21. DevelopersEnviromentSetup
  22. DistfilesSize
  23. Doc/IdeaListOld
  24. Doc/Sprints
  25. Doc/Translation/Greek
  26. Doc/Translation/Hungarian
  27. Doc/Translation/Hungarian/FDPPrimer
  28. EmbeddedTODO
  29. EmbeddedWishlist
  30. ErikCederstrand/PerformanceTracker
  31. ErnstDeHaan/AppServerJails
  32. EtherLike-MIB
  33. FUSEFS
  34. FireWire
  35. FreeBSDArmBoards
  36. FreeBSD_and_Standards
  37. GEOM
  38. GEOM/Gvinum
  39. GPLinBase/GasRetirement
  40. GlusterFS
  41. Graphics/Intel-GPU-Matrix
  42. Graphics/Wayland
  43. GraphicsOld
  44. IPv6
  45. IPv6/IPv6OnlySnapshots
  46. IPv6/ToDo
  47. JeanSébastienPédron/LinuxKPIinDRM
  48. Jenkins/MachineList
  49. JeremyChadwick/ATA_issues_and_troubleshooting
  50. Jitsi
  51. KerberizedNFS
  52. Kload
  53. KonstantinBelousov/VM6
  54. KubilayKocak/Bugzilla/ProblemsAndIdeas
  55. KyleEvans/BSDgrep
  56. KyleEvans/Regex
  57. Languages
  58. LibElf
  59. LibRegex
  60. LibXo
  61. LinkTimeOptimization
  62. LockOrderReversal
  63. MarcelMoolenaar/Embedding_FreeBSD
  64. MarcelMoolenaar/LowLevelVirtualMachine
  65. MarkLinimon/BugbustingOfficeHours
  66. MarkLinimon/CrossBuildingTips
  67. MarkLinimon/WikiWorkArea
  68. MarkLinimon/WorkAreaGraphics
  69. MarkLinimon/WorkAreaGraphics2
  70. MurrayStokely/IdeasWebApp
  72. NanoBSD
  73. NetworkRFCCompliance
  74. Networking/10GbE
  75. Networking/WakeOnLan
  76. NicholasSouchu/KernelGraphicsInterface
  77. NvidiaFeatureRequests
  78. ObsoleteGCCVersions
  79. ObsoleteLLVMVersions
  80. Office/LibreOfficeUpstream
  81. OliverFromme/BootLoader
  82. OpenSSL/No-SSLv3
  83. PCBSDInstallMerge
  84. PackageCategoriesOnOtherSystems
  85. PackageSetSizes
  86. PassingCommitterChecklist
  87. PmcTools
  88. PortersHandbook
  89. Ports/Tasks
  90. Ports/fix_lib_depends
  91. Ports/www/twiki
  92. PortsAndClang
  93. PortsBrokenOnTier2Architectures
  94. PortsOnTier2Architectures
  95. PublishedFormats
  96. PáliGáborJános/FAQRenewal
  97. PáliGáborJános/FAQRenewal/Sample_FAQ_Categories
  98. QA-Checklist
  99. Revised_pkg_install
  100. RootOnZFS/ZFSBootSlice
  101. SDIO
  102. SMPTODO
  103. ScottLong
  104. SnmpWirelessModule
  105. SrcDeDup
  106. StimulatingJava
  107. SummerOfCodeStudentAdvice
  108. TMPFS
  109. ThwackAFAQ
  110. ToolChain/ArchMatrix
  111. Transactions
  112. TrustedBSD/TODO
  113. TylerBallance/Porting
  114. Unicode
  115. VIMAGE
  117. VadimGoncharov/IpfwNg
  118. VendorInformation
  119. VersionControl/HgMigration
  120. VersionControl/Monotone
  121. VersionControl/NetworkSecure
  122. VersionSpecificDocs
  123. VideoProductionAndPublishing
  124. VuXML
  125. WarnerLosh/A_Brief_Guide_To_Cross_Compiling_FreeBSD
  126. WebcamCompat
  127. WhatBoardShouldIPurchase
  128. WhatsNew
  129. WikiFixitGroup/WorkArea
  130. WikiFixitGroup/WorkArea/NewWiki
  131. Xen
  132. ZFS
  133. ZFSQuickStartGuide
  134. Zarafa
  135. arm/Ampere
  136. arm/BootProcess
  137. arm/NewPlatformGuideline
  138. arm/crossbuild
  139. arm64/rpi3
  140. dev/iwn(4)
  141. finstall/SurveyOfExistingInstallers
  142. gem5
  143. gsocpl
  144. iflib
  145. libpkg
  146. portmgr/ExpiredPorts
  147. powerpc/BookE
  148. powerpc/POWER9
  149. powerpc/ToDo
  150. umtxcontention

CategoryCategory CategoryWiki

CategoryStale (last edited 2021-03-30T07:28:25+0000 by KubilayKocak)