Use this tag to apply to pages that relate to the FreeBSD Ports Collection.

To add a page to this category, add a link to this page on the last line of the page. You can add multiple categories to a page.

List of pages in this category:

  1. AndrewPantyukhin/NPAPI
  2. Apache
  3. Bugzilla/DosAndDonts
  4. Bugzilla/ThePerfectPortsIssue
  5. Chromium
  6. CrossBuildingPorts
  7. Desktop
  8. Elastic
  9. Emacs
  10. Emulation
  11. Erlang
  12. FPC
  13. Fortran
  14. Games
  15. Gecko
  16. Gnome
  17. Gnome/PackagesThatCanBeAxed
  18. Go
  19. Graphics
  20. Hamradio On FreeBSD
  21. HardcodedCCVersions
  22. HardcodedGCCVersions
  23. HardcodedLLVMVersions
  24. Haskell
  25. HyperledgerSawtooth
  26. Java
  27. Jitsi
  28. Julia
  29. KubilayKocak/Ports/LinkTimeOptimization
  30. KubilayKocak/PortsCheatSheet
  31. KubilayKocakPorts/101
  32. Long run PORTS work
  33. MaintainerNotes
  34. MariaDB
  35. MateuszPiotrowski/Ports
  36. MateuszPiotrowski/Ports/ToBePorted/PeerTube
  37. MateuszPiotrowski/Ports/ToBePorted/Pleroma
  38. MateuszPiotrowski/Ports/Workshops
  39. MateuszPiotrowski/Ports/Workshops/201802
  40. Mono
  41. Multimedia
  42. ObsoleteGCCVersions
  43. ObsoleteLLVMVersions
  44. Office
  45. OpenSSL/1.1.0
  46. PackageCategoriesOnOtherSystems
  47. PackageManagerRosettaStone
  48. PackageSystemsComparison
  49. PackageSystemsFeatureComparison
  50. PackageSystemsMerging
  51. Perl
  52. PortTemplate
  53. Ports
  54. Ports/CommonPlatformEnumeration
  55. Ports/FlavorsAndSubPackages
  56. Ports/GitQuickStart
  57. Ports/INDEX
  58. Ports/Ideas
  59. Ports/LicenseInfrastructure
  60. Ports/NewCategories
  61. Ports/NewCategories/games-arcade
  62. Ports/Tasks
  63. Ports/Teams
  64. Ports/ToDo
  65. Ports/Userbuild
  66. Ports/audio/spotify-tui
  67. Ports/editors/ghostwriter
  68. Ports/libgcc_linking_problem
  69. Ports/misc/py-cinder
  70. Ports/misc/py-glance
  71. Ports/net-im/mastodon
  72. Ports/net-mgmt/netbox
  73. Ports/net-p2p/monero-cli
  74. Ports/security/py-keystone
  75. Ports/security/subversion-gnome-keyring
  76. Ports/sysutils/ezjail
  77. Ports/sysutils/py-azure-cli
  78. Ports/sysutils/syslog-ng
  79. Ports/www/gitlab
  80. Ports/www/guacamole-client
  81. Ports/www/moinmoin
  82. Ports/www/radicale
  83. Ports/www/twiki
  84. PortsAndClang
  85. PortsBrokenOnTier2Architectures
  86. PortsOnTier2Architectures
  87. PortsSecteam
  88. Portscout
  89. PostgreSQL
  90. PotentialProblemsBetweenClangAndGfortran
  91. Puppet
  92. Puppet/GettingStarted
  93. Python
  94. Python/PEP-517
  95. Python/PortsPolicy
  96. Python/PortsWishlist
  97. Python/setuptools
  98. Rust
  99. Samba
  100. Simple infrastructure TODO
  101. VDR
  102. VirtualBox
  103. VladimirKrstulja/Guides/Poudriere
  104. VladimirKrstulja/PortsTipsTricksAndGotchas/www/gitlab
  105. VuXML
  106. WantedPorts
  107. Wine
  108. Xfce
  109. arm64/ports
  110. armv6/ports
  111. portconfig
  112. portmgr
  113. portmgr/ExpiredPorts
  114. portupgrade
  115. tex


CategoryPorts (last edited 2018-04-14T18:33:06+0000 by MateuszPiotrowski)