FreeBSD: Google Summer of Code 2007 Projects

Welcome to the FreeBSD Summer of Code 2007 Project Page. The FreeBSD Project was very lucky to have 25 students generously funded by Google to spend the Summer working on improving FreeBSD. Students are encouraged to add a Wiki here with an introduction and a summary of their work. The lucky winners are :

Questions about this program can be directed at the FreeBSD Summer of Code committee, .

You can talk to other students and FreeBSD developers in the #freebsd-soc IRC channel on EFnet.

More information about the program is available on Google's Summer of Code 2007 web site.


FreeBSD Summer of Code projects are hosted in the FreeBSD Perforce repository. You can browse on-going work using this URL:

An alternative web-interface to the p4 repository is also available:

Code-sample snapshots from 2007-08-20 for all students that have received passing final evaluations are publicly hosted by Google:

CategoryHistorical CategoryGsoc

SummerOfCode2007 (last edited 2022-10-06T01:01:36+0000 by KubilayKocak)